Product Last Post Replies
Zara Ogden
Hi everyone... I am having a problem with a quiz that is published to CD in presenter. Basically what is happening is that it will get to a certain slide then Freeze u...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Zara Ogden
Bethre Means
Is there a way I can hide the tooltip, or delay how long it takes for it to show up?
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Jeanette Brooks
Tess Farley
I created a hyperlink in PowerPoint and it works fine. But when I preview it's not working right. Can someone help?
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Joe Deegan
Terri Goold
I'm sending an email at the end of my presentation. I need to have line breaks in the body of the email. I've tried using <br> and <br/>, but it just displ...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Dave Newgass
Hello, I am trying to figure out a way to branch to a hidden slide using a hyperlinked shape. We have a course that has some graphic images. We want to give the ...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Catherine Conley
Is there a way to require a user to view all steps/tabs in an interaction only the first time its viewed? On the second attempt, the user would be able to view only a ...
Articulate Engage 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Maureen Wilson
I published a captivate movie in captivate 4 and using the Skinless output swf file, I insert as a flash movie following the instruction on Daves Articulate Blog (Dave...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Anthony Caravella
Is there a way to remove the Quiz Sumary Page at the end of a QM Quiz? The reason I ask is that I am running a survey through QM and my LMS is kind of funky in that I ...
Articulate Quizmaker over 13 years ago
By Anthony Caravella
Jeanette Brooks
Got a good question today about how to attach reference material to an e-learning course, so I thought I'd post here in case it was a question others might be wonderin...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Karyn Lemberg
Jim Bierbower
If this is something already posted, my apologies; I couldn't turn up anything after several searches. I have a new module that incorporates several Powerpoint 2010 f...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Kenneth Watson
I am having an issue with Articulate Presenter. I have created a course, roughly around 100 slides, with some very basic animations on a number of slides. Especially t...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Robert Kennedy
Vincent D
Hi there...I was wondering if someone might have an answer to this question. When I publish in Standard View, I have noticed that on slide with Engage interactions, th...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Vincent D
Anne Koproski
I have recorded my slides via Presenter. I did a preview and volume was not great, so I went in and did edits to a number of slides and then previewed again. All sound...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Doug Steuerman
Hello all new to Articulate and I'm trying to take some Powerpoints with animations all ready built in and just convert those to put into my LMS. I'll try to mak...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Doug Steuerman
labord florence
How do i do to insert à web object in a news windows when someone click on a link in my presention. I need a news window so that my html page can be called from diffe...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Gabe Anderson
Adrian Gates
Hi, Is there a way to dsiplay several questions on a single quizmaker slide, with a single submit button? As opposed to having each question on it's own slide and havi...
Articulate Quizmaker over 13 years ago
By Adrian Gates
Sue Ashby
Hi I've created some SWF files with another tool (JING) and would like to add them to events in a timeline interaction. Problem is, when I try to do that, engage fre...
Articulate Engage over 13 years ago
By Ondrej Kovacik
Payal Tandon
Hi! First of all this interface is awesome...This is my first post in the new forum... We have some files that are 10MB or more. It takes about 5-8 seconds befo...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Payal Tandon
Jill Freeman
I publish a course. In the transcript pane, text from a different course appears. I'm fairly sure this is coming from my temp files via IE. I was able to clear my temp...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Jill Freeman
Anne Koproski
I have a taped recording of someone I want to use as a sample in my eLearning course. I also want to introduce it. This is as simple as me saying - "How wo...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Brian Batt