Slide transitions are the visual motion effects you see when moving from one slide to another. When applied thoughtfully and strategically, transitions can help make your content easier to understand, more engaging, and more professional-looking. They can also help you explain a process or tell a story because you can use them to convey change or draw attention to specific information.

Let’s look at these two examples of effective slide transitions from Nancy Duarte’s book “Slideology.”

This first example uses a push transition to maintain the continuity of a process flow that is too large to fit onto a single screen. Notice how it gives you the feeling of a single, connected element, even though it spans across multiple slides.

View the published demo | Get the source PowerPoint file

One of the things Nancy advocates is to think of your content as a scene in a movie. This second example combines several different slide transitions to create a nice panning effect that feels like you’re moving through one big continuous scene.

View the published demo | Get the source PowerPoint file

When you’re ready to experiment with transitions in your Articulate Presenter courses, you can find the list of supported slide transitions here. Feel free to share your projects back with the community—we’d love to see your work!

If you want to try this yourself but don’t have Studio ’13, no problem. Just sign up for a fully functional, free trial. And don’t forget to post your questions and comments in the forums. We’re here to help. For more e-learning tips, examples, and downloads, follow us on Twitter.