Forum Discussion

ClaireHart-P606's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Animating Text

In Storyline 1 and 2 I could animate my text to display one paragraph at a time. Now, in Storyline 3, the path to do that through the Animation tab is no longer there. Does anyone know how this is done in the new version?

  • Unfortunately, when I animate the text by paragraph in the timeline, with all the text in one text box, the tab order function for accessibility is defeated.  The only text that is captured for the learner use tab to go through the course is the first paragraph.  All the other text, which was timed to come in sequentially, is lost to them.

  • I'm happy to help you here, Claire!

    In Storyline 3, you'll click Animations tab >> Effect Options >> By Paragraph.

    Let me know if you have any other questions!


  • hi there - something i just discovered on this topic- when i try to animate by paragraph using 'fade in' it actually appears as if 'fly in' 

  • Hi Carly, that's certainly strange! Tell me more about the project, and I'll try and help you sort it out!

    • What version and update of Storyline are you using?
    • What Effect Options: Enter settings are you using? 
    • Does this happen when you preview the slide in Storyline, or only after the file is published?
  • Hi Claire!

    In Storyline 3, we're seeing an issue where text with a "By Paragraph" animation will tab in backwards order, starting with the bottom paragraph. Here's a quick Peek recording to show you what I mean. 

    Does the behavior in that recording matching what you're seeing? 

  • KatieStrang's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello! I am trying to select the effect options, but it is greyed out when selecting any object. Why would it be greyed out for me?

  • Hello Katie and welcome to E-Learning Heroes. 😊

    Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you are experiencing. I created a quick Peek 360 video to explain what may be happening, but if you're seeing something different, please let me know.