Forum Discussion

ChristenClark's avatar
Community Member
14 years ago

Articulate presentations designed for kids?

Hello all,

The organization I work for is making our first foray into e-learning, after 40+ years teaching elementary-age children in classroom settings. We're still at the stage of selecting authoring software and, in fact, deciding whether we'll even go the rapid authoring route. 

I've spent the past few weeks researching rapid authoring tools and I have not yet seen a single example of an e-learning presentation designed for children with one of these tools. Articulate is currently our front-runner, because it's so user-friendly for non-programmers, but we have concerns about whether we'll be able to customize it enough to make presentations both engaging to children and able to be done independently by kids as young as 7 or 8. Does anyone know of any examples of content for children created in Articulate? 

