Video player not restarting from beginning once finished.

Sep 02, 2014

I have a course with several videos on separate slides. When users view a video to the end and click the play button, the video does not replay from the beginning but stays at the end unless they click in the beginning of the progress bar.

How do I get it to automatically restart from the beginning?


3 Replies
Sakthidasan Gandhi

HI Ashley,

        i'm facing a problem on resetting the video. the scenario is, i have a button in base layer which takes you to sub layer(video layer). once video ends i used back button to reach base layer.

the functionality is works fine for the first time of action, when i try the same on second time it doesn't works fine.

as i'm very new to storyline i couldn't figure it out on my own can you help me on this ?

Vincent Scoma

Hi Sakthidasan,

Thank you for reaching out! 

In conjunction with the article Ashley shared, you may want to review the Slide Properties for the video layer. To access this, you will want to :

  • Navigate to the layer containing the video.
  • Click on the ⚙️icon on the bottom right underneath Slide Layers.
  • Now you will want to check the settings for the Allow Seeking property.
  • If Allow Seeking set to Automatically Decide, then the video will not reset when the learner navigates back to the layer. You will want to change this setting to Yes so the video can restart upon revisit: 

Please give that a try and let us know if you run into any trouble! 

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