It's a Storyline software simulation showing learners how to use Storyline! Thanks to the help of hotspots, layers, and triggers, this example walks learners through the process of creating a button trigger. After seeing how it's done, learners get to practice themselves in a risk-free environment. 

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Richard Watson

Sue, If I understand your question correctly, you are asking if during the Try it section, can you configure the simulation so that the users can click on the four drop-down lists in the trigger wizard in any order. Since the Try It steps are based off the Show Me steps, I would so no. It might be possible to modify the Try it steps to allow this but it would require a lot of work to make it happen and possibly some additional recordings but then you are caught up in "how many different ways could the user perform these selected steps". I agree that being able to simulate the "real-world" would be great in some situations though. From my many years in the classroom, I've found that showing students multiple ways to navigate an interface seemed to only confuse them. On the o... Expand

Brett Lacey
Richard Watson
Richard Watson
Richard Watson

I created this what seems like years ago. :) Here is what I recall doing: I have a system with two monitors. Monitor A: Opened Storyline and set the Story Size to 1024x640 for this demo. (Storyline > Design tab > Story Size) Monitor B: Set display resolution to 1280x800 (via the operating system's Display settings) and opened a second instance of SL on that monitor. I started the recording from within Storyline on Monitor A (Slides tab > Record screen). Moved the area to be recorded onto Monitor B desktop and expanded it to full screen. The recording was then placed into Storyline running on Monitor A. A little crazy but I was just playing around on this one. Both 1024x640 and 1280x800 are the same aspect ratio (16:10). Videos can become blurry when you zoom in or... Expand