hero illustration of a character playing accordion and dancing in front of a computer with an accordion interaction displayed on the screen

Sometimes, when you’re looking through a project, you might notice a slide that’s a bit busy. You have a lot of information on a single topic and you’re not quite sure how to break it up. What’s an instructional designer to do? An accordion interaction can be a useful tool in these cases. It helps you present high-level information in a simple, uncluttered way, and invites learners to dig into the details.

The E-Learning Heroes community has lots of great accordion interactions. We’ve picked a couple of our favorites to share with you, and provided a download to help you get started building your own.

  • Jackie Van Nice builds an accordion interaction into a virtual book in this example.
  • This accordion interaction by Richard Watson features facts and photos for different zoo animals.
  • Oleg Miroshensky takes you on a virtual tour of Cuba with this fun accordion interaction.
  • Try building an accordion interaction for yourself with this download from Brandon Lynn featuring a sliding transition animation.

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