Blog Post


Storyline: A 360° Tour of U.S. Landmarks

SarahHodge's avatar
Former Staff
4 years ago

Visit some of the most popular landmarks in the United States of America in this immersive 360° images example. Explore each destination by panning your surroundings, reading interesting facts, and answering trivia questions.

View project in action.

Published 4 years ago
Version 1.0
  • MichelleMa's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi Sarah,

    I love the interactions you built using the markers, tracking the completion of the items, and the 360 images! I am very curious about how you set up the SL triggers and layers. Would you mind sharing the SL file? I would really appreciate it!
  • Hi Sarah! This project is amazing. I have been playing with creating my own. I am wondering how you used Google images in the project. I can't download the 360 image. Did you use another website?
  • JesperAdams's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi Sarah! I'm also fascinated by the way you've used 360 images available on Google Maps for this project. How were you able to embed these into your project? I still haven't found a way to do this.