At first glance, crafting your own digital game might seem like an overwhelming task requiring specialized tools and coding. But if you have Storyline 360, building this kind of interactive experience might be easier than you think.
Winner of DemoFest’s Best in Show: Vendor award at Learning Solutions 2023, this example shares a surprisingly simple approach to making this happen. By combining features like dials, question banks, triggers, and variables, the development process becomes substantially faster than creating every game mechanic from scratch. And the result is an experience that replicates the feel of playing a board game—without the need for JavaScript or other coding to make it come to life.
To get started, just choose the number of players. For each person’s turn, roll the dice and manually move the player token the correct number of spaces. The color of the spot you land on determines the question type you’ll answer. Click the question card, choose your answer, and find out whether you added to your score or missed out on points. Then the question card will automatically close and start the next player’s turn.
Watch this behind-the-scenes project tour to find out more about how it was made.
Want to try creating something similar in Storyline 360, but don’t have Articulate 360? Start a free 30-day trial. And subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest e-learning examples.