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E-Learning Challenges

Give Your E-Learning Quiz Results Slides a Makeover #363

DavidAnderson's avatar
3 years ago

Quiz Results Slides in E-Learning #363: Challenge | Recap

Quiz results slides are essential for your course because they visually communicate how learners performed on one or more quizzes.

However, results slides are one of the most neglected slides. It's not uncommon to see custom, showcase-worthy courses sporting default feedback boxes or results slides.

So, if you're going to take the time to create a custom course, you can't neglect your quiz results slides. And that's what this week's challenge is all about!

Challenge of the Week

This week, your challenge is to share one or more ideas for customizing the feedback and results slides. Your challenge entry can be a static or an interactive example.

Share Your E-Learning Work

  • Comments: Use the comments section below to share a link to your published example and blog post.
  • Forums: Start  your own thread and share a link to your published example..
  • Personal blog:  If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We’ll link back to your posts so the great work you’re sharing gets even more exposure.
  • Social Media: If you share your demos on Twitter or LinkedIn, try using #ELHChallenge or #ElearningChallenge so your tweeps can track your e-learning coolness.

New to the E-Learning Challenges?

The weekly e-learning challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

Learn more about the challenges in this Q&A post and why and how to participate in this helpful article.

Last Week’s Challenge:

Before you give your quiz results a makeover, check out the interactive tabs examples your fellow challengers shared over the past week:

Tabs Interactions in E-Learning #362: Challenge | Recap

Published 3 years ago
Version 1.0
    • Samuel's avatar
      Community Member
      The colors and images ring happiness. Great job!
  • HelenDudley's avatar
    Community Member
    I used a mix of true/false variables, triggers and state changes.
    • Yvonne's avatar
      Community Member
      That compare button on the results slide is so useful. I appreciate seeing all the questions and their corresponding correct/incorrect visual feedback, as well as the correct answer on one screen. Thanks for sharing this example of another way to review content for user self-assessment (which some experts say is where learning really happens and I currently agree).
    • ScottWilson-8c0's avatar
      Community Member
      Nice work! In the review screen how did you get them all to combine into one slide?
  • Hello!

    I love a blank results slide and it's been a while since I used sound effects in a demo. Lately, I've been creating waveform animations in Adobe After Effects. So here's a demo that incorporates these striking visuals as part of the results slide.


    • PeterMercier's avatar
      Community Member
      This was terrific. I'm an avid horror fan and should've done much better than a 40. I must go self-flagellate now.
    • Yvonne's avatar
      Community Member
      My fiancé has an ear for the Wilhelm Scream and will pause and rewind a movie to prove that he heard it. XD

      This design is crisp and clever. Providing audio and visual feedback with the scream clip or tongue out brings whimsy to the experience, while also demonstrating the scream. Smart use of the waveform animation as well. As a learner/user, I am interested in noting how an experience makes me feel, and I appreciate that choosing correctly or incorrectly felt light-hearted and entertaining.

      The results slide is instantly understandable and is tailored well to your design.
      • Jonathan_Hill's avatar
        Super Hero
        Thanks Yvonne! 'Brings whimsy to the experience' could be my mission statement 😊 That's lovely feedback for what was very much an experimental piece.
  • JodiSansone's avatar
    Community Member
    Stylized Course/Quiz Starter

    I have a hard time visualizing a result slide without seeing what comes before it, so I did a quick course starter with a quiz and results. I tired to give this demo a cohesive look and feel with an underpainted photo filter, a custom color scheme, and custom feedback. Have a great week everyone!
    • AndreaRitchie-1's avatar
      Community Member
      This is great, Jodi! I love the way the photo filter brings consistency while still having a variety of photos.
    • Yvonne's avatar
      Community Member
      Jodi, what an instantly usable template! I appreciate that you took the time to build out a cohesive look and feel of the presentation of information then test of understanding. The underpainted photo filter is new to me, but it makes the stock photography look modern and design-forward. Thanks for sharing this filter style.

      What I appreciated the most was your review feature on the results slide. As a learner, even when I am confident with the subject matter, I understand that tests and quizzes have a language bias and like to read rationale behind my incorrect answers as well as my correct answers. Even when the feedback is instant (correct or incorrect, as you brilliantly provided), it's important for me to have access to review all of the questions to self-assess my grasp of the content as compared to the intended outcomes.

      Thanks for sharing this stellar example.
      • ThierryEMMANUEL's avatar
        Community Member
        Great demo, Jodi. The result slide image is the best example we can give for a "specifically designed slide to present quiz results"
    • FredericBrewer's avatar
      Community Member
      Nice template, Jodi. The water color filter on the photos is very appealing. I appreciate that you included text with suggestions for adapting this demo to other uses. Thank you!