Forum Discussion

SamHill's avatar
Super Hero
2 days ago

Storyline custom focus control

There have many been times, when using Storyline to develop content, it has not been possible to get the kind of screen reader focus control that I have needed. Using layers for this can only get you so far.

I developed a JavaScript function that allows you to send the screen reader focus to the text field that you want, via any trigger.

Adding the following JavaScript to your projects Slide Master will make it available throughout your module:

// Check if function has been defined already
if (typeof window.setFocus === "undefined") {
    // Get reference to the Storyline Player
    var $player = GetPlayer();
    // Set the amount of time to delay before attempting to send focus to the target element (milliseconds) 1000 = 1 second.
    var $interval = 100; // 
    window.setFocus = function ($target) {
        // Get the target element, based on the passed argument
        var $target = document.querySelector('[data-acc-text^="' + $target + '"]');
        var $id = "acc-" + $target.dataset.modelId
        $target = document.getElementById($id);
        // Send focus to target, after defined $interval
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, $interval);

Once the function is defined in your Slide Master, you can then call the function on the page using a JavaScript function, which can be triggered by any Storyline trigger such as timeline start, timeline end, button click etc.

window.setFocus("Customer in the queue");

The argument, which is passed in the "" quotes, is the text contents of the text field you are targeting. You do not have to include all the text, just enough to ensure it is unique.

For example, if you have two text fields:

  1. "Customer in the queue talking on their phone."
  2. "Customer in the shop staring into space."

Passing the words "Customer in the" would not be specific enough, as there would be two text fields found. However, passing "Customer in the queue" would send the focus to the text field that contains the text "Customer in the queue talking on their phone."

  • Amazing... 🤩 - we have wanted this for some time, what a great solution. I wish 'set focus' was a trigger in SL.

    • SamHill's avatar
      Super Hero

      "I wish 'set focus' was a trigger in SL." - yes, I came from Lectora, years ago, and this was something that Lectora did well. Definitely something I've missed as the implementation wouldn't be a big stretch for them.