Engage '13 tabs not displaying correctly

Nov 11, 2013

Hi All,

I have just recently upgraded to Studio '13 and I am experiencing 2 issues with Engage whereby the tab's are not displaying correctly. Please refer to the below image at the end of this message. This issue was not present in Engage '09 and the format has not changed.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue or know what may cause this? In addition, the files I am using was created in Engage '09 and then updated to be compatible with '13 as suggested by the Articulate Engage software when opening the file.

Any help would be appreciated as this is delaying the publishing of training material.

On a another note:

1)  Where is the option to delete an attached file when writing a new post??? If you select the wrong file for instance.

2) I am assuming that only 1 file can be attached because I can only see 1 in the bottom right hand corner to the left of the "POST" button after trying to attach 2.


4 Replies
Jamie C

Hi Justin,

I don't think it is the file but more the software and the limitations that have been introduced unless there is a setting I am missing somewhere. Engage "09 allowed up to 20 tabs (inc the introduction tab). However, Engage "13 only allows 9 (inc the introduction tab). Therefore, Engage "13 cannot compensate for the size in height of each tab to ensure it fits to one screen like Engage "09 does because it does not recognise any tabs beyond 8.

To put it another way, in Engage "09 I could add up to 20 tabs in one interaction file. Engage "13 only allows 8 tabs. This is the problem when converting from "09 to "13.

The temporary workaround for this is to create 3 separate Engage interactions (Part 1, 2, 3 etc.). Reducing the amount of available tabs for the type of training material we create will mean we will have several separate interactions for one process and we have multiple processes in one training ppt course so the list in the menu will be long.



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