Audio Editor and Click Marker

May 24, 2011

If I've created a slide that includes animation and audio and I've synced up the animations with the audio, I find that if I then want to add a new animation with an onclick, I have a problem in audio editor when trying to tweak it.   The new click marker ends up in front of the other markers and it usually will not display the number and name of the onclick animation when hovered over, but will simply display as 'click marker'.   Also, then I cannot move this marker past the other markers.  Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

4 Replies
Lori Johnson


I uploaded to support and a great person name John Say shared information with me that helped me understand what was happening.  Here is an excerpt from John's email to me

"Currently, each slide in the Audio Editor can display a total of 248 characters for animation marker titles.  If the combined length of all the animation marker titles for a specific slide is greater than 248 characters, the Audio Editor will simply display "Click marker" as the animation marker title for anything beyond 248 characters.

This issue is being reviewed by our Quality Assurance team.  There is currently no workaround."

Thanks as always to the Articulate Team.

Cookie Rietveld-Kirwan


Regarding this 2011 statement:

"Currently, each slide in the Audio Editor can display a total of 248 characters for animation marker titles. If the combined length of all the animation marker titles for a specific slide is greater than 248 characters, the Audio Editor will simply display "Click marker" as the animation marker title for anything beyond 248 characters.
This issue is being reviewed by our Quality Assurance team. There is currently no workaround."

Is there a way to limit the animation marker title to, say 10 or 20 characters, to allow all click markers to show a title? For instance, I have the first click marker carrying an entire paragraph, which I don't need, but which leaves me with all the following markers reading simply "click marker".

Thanks, as always, for your help,


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