Bookmarking a Course when using Firefox

Sep 14, 2011

A user reported a Firefox issue.  I checked it out and it is valid.  I am running Firefox 6.0.2.  (The most current version.)

When attempting to bookmark the course, I click the "bookmark" link and the box opens.  But when I click O.K., I get this message:

"Your browser does not support automatic bookmarking.  To bookmark this presentation, please create a bookmark on the web page that launched this window."

Any suggestions on how to fix this so my Firefox users are not out in the cold?

2 Replies
Brian Batt

Hi Touvio,

Some of the latest releases of browsers do not support bookmarking via JavaScript (including Chrome).  I was not able to determine if Firefox 6 is in that category.  However, I was able to rewrite the bookmark script to enable compatibility with just about every browser.

In the player folder of your published output, you'll see a flashcommand.js file.  Open that in your favorite text editor & replace the "function CreateBookmark" with the following:


function CreateBookmark(args, bSlide)


var one = 1;

if (one=1)


var nSlideNum = args.substring(0,args.indexOf("|"));

var strTitle = args.substring((args.indexOf("|")+1),args.length);

var _proto = document.location.protocol;

var _host =;

var _pathname = document.location.pathname;

var _search =;

var newpath  = "";

var newUrl  = "";

var nPos = 0;

var worked = false;

var alerted = false;

var alerttext = 'Please Control + D to bookmark';

nPos = _pathname.lastIndexOf("/");

if (nPos


nPos = _pathname.lastIndexOf("\\"); 


if ( nPos


// if / is not the last char grab the trailing "/"



if (_search.indexOf("akpDocumentID",0)


newpath = _pathname.substr(0, nPos) + "player.html";

newUrl = _proto + "//" + _host + newpath +"?slide=" + nSlideNum;



did = _search.substring((_search.lastIndexOf("akpDocumentID") + ("akpDocumentID").length+1), _search.length);

newpath = "/Portal/Storage/DownloadDocument.aspx?DocumentID=" + did;

newUrl = _proto+"//"+ _host + newpath + "?slide="+ nSlideNum;


if (bSlide)


strTitle = strTitle + " - Powered by Articulate ";




strTitle = strTitle + " Slide "+ nSlideNum +" - Powered by Articulate ";




window.sidebar.addPanel(strTitle, newUrl,"");

worked = true;


catch(err){if(!worked && !alerted){alert(alerttext);alerted=true;}}



window.external.AddFavorite(newUrl, strTitle);

worked = true;


catch(err){if(!worked && !alerted){alert(alerttext);alerted=true;}}



window.external.AddFavorite(strTitle, newUrl,"");

worked = true;


catch(err){if(!worked && !alerted){alert(alerttext);alerted=true;}}





I've also attached the updated flashcommand.js file for your reference.

Please note that this workaround is not supported by Articulate.

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