Branching problem

Dec 14, 2011


I have a few slides with which I'm using the branching option in Presenter. I have 2 related questions with two choices. The correct answer to one question is the wrong answer to the other and vice versa. In all, 7 slides for the entire process. I have it set so that if you haven't clicked one of the links to the right or wrong choice the forward button keeps you on that slide, the correct answer link moves you to the next question slide or the slide that continues the presentation, and the wrong answer takes you back to the question slide to choose again.

When I published and tested it the first time, it worked, but I found other errors, so I updated the presentation and republished. That's when the branching quit working. After selecting either a right or wrong answer, the answer slide would not let you move forward. Even though the slide played out to the end and the forward button flashes, when you click on it you get the message that you can't view next slides, only previous ones (that's how I have it set). I double-checked everything, republished, same error.

So I went searching for a solution and came across a post on here saying sometimes it's just a corrupted file and included a link to how to take your presentation and put it into a clean file. I did that, put the branching options in again, published it, tested it, it worked great. But again, I found something in the presentation that I wanted to change, republished it, tested it, and got that same branching error again!

Any ideas on what might be causing this and what I can check before I resave everything once again into a clean file?

4 Replies
Peter Anderson

Hi Arleen!

If I'm understanding your mapping correctly, it may be related to the Feedback drop-down menu. You may find that the Next button at the end of your quiz or survey does not advance to the next slide in the presentation if all the following criteria are true:

   *  The result slides in the quiz are disabled.

   *  The Feedback drop-down for the last question is set to "By Question" or "By Answer".

   *  There is no text in the Feedback text boxes.

   *  When you view the published presentation, you complete the quiz and proceed to the next slide.
   *  Then you go back to the quiz slide, and click the Next button again -- but it does not advance to the next slide.

You can correct this issue by setting the Feedback drop-down for the last question to "None" if you do not want to include feedback for the question.  Then republish your presentation. If that doesn't apply to you, let me know- maybe try and attach a screenshot or even the project files if you'd like- and we'll get this resolved. Thanks!

Arleen Janz

This isn't a quiz. These are straightforward PowerPoint slides that include links to other slides within the question slides. I'm using the branching option to make sure the presentation doesn't play through all the answers when you click the forward button.


Slide 1: Question 1 w/ a link to slide 2 (correct answer) and slide 3 (wrong answer)

Slide 4: Question 2 w/ a link to slide 5 (correct) and slide 6 (wrong)

Slide 7: the next slide in the presentation

If you click to slide 2, the correct answer, the player forward button will take you to slide 4, the 2nd question, using the branching option. If you click to slide 3, the wrong answer, the player forward button will take you back to the question on slide 1 so that you can answer it correctly. When you click the correct answer for the second question (slide 5), it will move you on to slide 7 in the presentation.

Is that clearer? The problem is that once on the correct answer slide, the forward button isn't taking them to the slide I specify in the branching options, it tells the user that you can't view any slides beyond that one, only previous slides. Oh, wait! Maybe that's where I'm going wrong? Because the correct answer is before the wrong answer, so since they won't be viewing the wrong answer, Presenter is just following my instructions not to let them skip any slides?

Oh, dear. How does one fix this if one doesn't want the user to just be able to click through at whim? I could put the correct answer after the wrong answer since the wrong answer sends them backward anyway. I can imagine some hairy situations, though, if one created a complicated branching sequence. In that instance, one cannot set the option to disallow the user to move forward unless all previous slides are played out, can one?

Justin Wilcox

You can remove the player controls from the player template altogether and use the hyperlinks to let people navigate.

You can also set up branching for your presentation so that you can control what the player controls actually do:

Arleen Janz

Justin Wilcox said:

You can remove the player controls from the player template altogether and use the hyperlinks to let people navigate.

Oy, vey! Not an option for a lot of slides when only 2 are the ones with hyperlinks. That would be counter-productive.

You can also set up branching for your presentation so that you can control what the player controls actually do:

That's what I did. The problem came after I did it.

But thanks for the suggestions.

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