Linking to a specific time on a slide

Jul 11, 2011

I know we can link from one slide to another slide using the parameter ?slide=[slide #], however, I'm curious if it's possible to link to a specific time within another slide?

For exmaple I have two slides that are used as pop-up windows to display graphs and when I close the graphs I want to return to the previous slide but not at the begining of the slide. Is it possible to return to the end of the slide so that our users will not hear the audio again?


2 Replies
Brian Houle

Hi, Bob:

Not that I know of without resorting to some custom Flash and the SDK.  Your best bet might be to create a duplicate of the "launch" slide without audio.  So, on the launch slide the learner will hear the audio, probably trigger the "popup", then when he or she "closes" the popup, he or she is sent to the audio-less duplicate of the launch slide.

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