Menu not appearing published course using Presenter

Oct 19, 2012


My menu is not appearing when I publish my course in Presenter. What have I missed?

The slides are all named and I've indicated the levels and those that I want hidden from the menu. Please help!


5 Replies
Peter Anderson

Sorry for the trouble, Jan.

Mind sending us your files so we can take a close look at what might be going on? First, create an Articulate Presenter Package of your presentation as described here. Then upload the resulting zip file from your computer on the second page of this form, and we''ll attempt to diagnose what's happening when we receive your upload. Thanks!

Jan Patterson

The problem has been resolved. I thought I'd post what happened for anyone else that might have this issue...

I created a Player Template called IT National. Then I published my course and I discovered I had no menu. I didn't select the Navigation option in the player template so I updated the player template IT National and saved the changes. When I went to publish a second time I was using the Player Template "IT National (In Project)". This was the previous player template which I had not selected the Navigation option for. So as soon as I selected the IT National player template from my publish screen, voila!, my menu appeared.

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