Problème de publication (publish problem)

Feb 24, 2011

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Nous avons plusieurs questions qui nous posent des problèmes :
Après avoir produit notre cours, nous ne pouvons pas prévisualiser le cours, le bouton ne marche pas. Quand nous le générons le cours, nous perdons les éléments de nos diapos. (cf. doc joint)
Image 1. la slide générée : pas d'image de fond et pas de cadre

Image 2. la vrai slide dans notre présentation.
Nous avons bien modifié le "," en "." dans la langue français du panneau de configuration. Avez-vous des solutions pour ces problème ?
Merci !!!!


We have a problem for wich we need some helps : After producting our course, we can't preview it. The button isn't working.
When we publish the course, some elements of our slides disappear. (cf. doc attached).

Image 1. The slide published : the background isn't mine, and there is no frame
Image 2. the real slide in our presentation.

We already modified the ", " in "." for the French language in the Control Panel. Do you have a idea of how to solve theses problems ?

Thanks for your help !!!"


2 Replies
Justin Wilcox

In order to help diagnose your issue, I would suggest you submit a case by following the steps below.

Please create an Articulate Presenter package, then upload the zip file to our server. You can review how to do this here:

Upload the resulting zip file from your computer to our server using this upload form:

Please be sure to include a description of your issue, your version of PowerPoint, version of Windows and version of Presenter '09 which you can find in Help and Support -> About Articulate Presenter. Please also include the URL for this thread so we can follow up with you in the forums.

This discussion is closed. You can start a new discussion or contact Articulate Support.