Retaking the lessons

Dec 03, 2013

When users want to take a lesson again, the page asks "Do you want to resume where you left off, or do you want to start again?"  If a user selects resume, the lesson marks the sections, and quizzes he/she has already seen or done.  But the quizzes have to be done again.  Why does this happen, if the user has finished the quiz before?

Users go over slides where they learn English, then answer a quiz, then more slides, then other quiz, so on, until they get to the final test of the lesson.  

Of course, users won't be able to answer quiz 2, if quiz 1 is not finished and passed.  Once they have passed a quiz, they can advance to the other one.  If they get tired in the middle of the lesson, they can log out, and come back later.  But sometimes, they can't go on where they were.  They have to go over all the quizzes to continue, even though the slides/sections are marked as already seen.

How can I change this?

This is frustrating many of the users...thanks for your help  

3 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Paty,

There's a couple of things that might be causing this. What resume option are you using for the course? Are you letting the LMS handle it, or Flash?

  1. If you're using Studio 09, go to Articulate > Player Templates > Player Controls.
  2. Here you'll be able to see if you're using the option to "When running in LMS, ignore Flash cookie." If this is selected, your presentation will rely on the LMS to resume properly. 

That option will use your LMS to determine the resume function, rather than storing the data in the user's web browser. 

Knowing which option your using may help.

Also, it sounds like you have a little bit of restriction set up, if the learners aren't able to move forward until they complete the first quiz. What are your retry/quiz attempts currently set to? If you're using any restrictions for navigation in Presenter for the quizzes, please share those as well.

If you'd like, it might also help to test the project outside of your LMS. Have you tested your course in SCORM Cloud? This would help us determine if the issue is Articulate related or if it's on your LMS's side. If you're using AICC content please take a look at the article below for testing information:

Articulate Support - Testing Studio '13 AICC content at SCORM Cloud

How to Test Studio '09 AICC Content in SCORM Cloud

The articles here and here may also help clear up common LMS issues.

Let me know how it goes!

Deborah Munitz

Need to make sure first quiz doesn't force user to complete the quiz. I suspect (based on my own attempt to put two quizzes in a lesson in Studio '9) that each time a new quiz is encountered it overwrites the prior quiz data. If  you relaunch the lesson the first quiz doesn't see that it was completed and forces the user to retake it.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Deborah!

Articulate Presenter lets you track a course either by the number of slides viewed or by a single quiz. Tracking both measurements for the same course isn't supported. Similarly, tracking multiple quizzes in the same course isn't supported. However, you may be able to track multiple measurements for a course using one of the unsupported methods in this article.

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