Slide numbering

Jul 09, 2014

Hello. The older version of articulate displayed the slide number (ex: slide 25 of 53). How do I allow the slide numbering to appear in this articulate '13? Please help.

8 Replies
Bobbi Bailey

If you are using Storyline you can do the following:

Create a number variable (SlideNumberCurrent) with the default value to 0.

Create another number variable (SlideNumberTotal) and set the value to equal the total number of slides in your story... so if you have 5 slides in your story, set the value to 5.

On each slide, create a trigger to add 1 to the SlideNumberCurrent variable when the timeline starts.

Display both variables on your slide using a text box and entering "Slide Number %SlideNumberCurrent% of %SlideNumberTotal%" in the text box.

CAUTION! If you will be allowing your users to revisit each slide more than once, then you will need to create a true/false condition for each slide that allows the "add" trigger to update the total if the slide hasn't already been visited.

I am including a .story file which contains the number variables and the slide visited variables, so that you can see this in action.

Hope this helps.


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