Student Clicking through Slides but not viewing the lecture

Nov 21, 2011

I have courses that mark compete by number of slides viewed, but I have students who are just clicking through the courses from the slide toc on the left and not viewing the slides and getting marked complete.  How do I prevent this and require them to actually view the slide and listen to the entire lecture?  If this has been answered before I  apologize but I could not find an appropriate thread.



11 Replies
blair parkin

Hi Doug

You actually have quite a few options. One is you could hide the menu completely so that users have to click next to move through. You can also hide the seekbar or not allow users to use it to fast forward so that they have to listen to each slide. Personally I don't use any of the player controls at all, instead using hyperlinked shapes as navigation. That way you can move them around on the slide so that learners actually have to find them rather than clicking next next next. I also sometimes "cover" them so that they can't be seen and then set an animation to "uncover" them after a set amount of time. Auto advance would work similar too.

Hope this gives you some inspiration


Phil Mayor

You cant force people to read or listen to the content though, and locking and restricted navigation will only frustrate the user.

I always find it best to open the navigation and let people learn at their own rate, unfortunately some people will just flick through, this is the same as someone not paying attention in a classroom based course

Charles Zoffuto


What are your learners supposed to be learning? What valuable skills and/or knowledge will they come away with? First you need to answer those questions for the learner. Then you need to set the expectation that they will be tested to ensure they have learned what you want to teach them and can apply it in the correct way. So motivate your learners with carrot of knowledge and the stick of testing.

Phil Mayor

Charles Zoffuto said:


What are your learners supposed to be learning? What valuable skills and/or knowledge will they come away with? First you need to answer those questions for the learner. Then you need to set the expectation that they will be tested to ensure they have learned what you want to teach them and can apply it in the correct way. So motivate your learners with carrot of knowledge and the stick of testing.

Thats is what I am talking about, thanks Charles

Doug Thom

Our students have tuition paid by their employers and are taking the course to acquire required certification in their field so allowing them to free navigate is not an option.  We have already found a number of students who will click through the slides, take a post test and expect a certificate.  This puts our credibility as a continuing ed certificate grantor at risk and I cannot have that so I am happy to see that we have the restricted option in slide viewing.

Phil Mayor

What is the difference between them clicking through your slides in restricted view, not listening and taking the post test, as long as the post test covers the material in the course and they pass that I dont see a problem, by using this model you force the learning on the user, it is much better to make the user feel like they are in control of their learning

David Anderson

Quizmaker offers some ways to requires learners to reflect and answer questions. Here are some examples:

The same techniques could be used in Presenter where you present come content, stop the slide and ask the learners a quick question. Similar to what you'd experience in an interactive lecture.

Like anything, these techniques can be disruptive or engaging. For some real-world examples of content-question designs, check out Jellyvision's "interactive conversation" approach.

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