Suppressing Quiz Scores in the LMS

Nov 09, 2011

According to EU laws we need to prevent a user's test scores from appearing in their transcripts in our LMS. According to our LMS team, we need to set an option in the course to prevent this. Other elearning tools we use have an option to Report/Not Report Score to LMS, but I don't see a similar option in Articulate or Quizmaker. I have Articulate 5.2 and Quizmaker 2.1. Is there a way to prevent the learner's test score from being reported to the LMS? Even if completion is based on passing the test?

5 Replies
Justin Wilcox

Hi Dave.

Welcome to Heroes! If you have Presenter and Quizmaker this should be fairly simple. Simply create a presentation and track that presentation by slides viewed. If you have the quiz as the second to last slide in a presentation and don't allow that user to advance to the final slide until they pass, you can easily track completion on whether or not they passed the quiz without actually tracking the quiz.

So for example, have like a 3 slide presentation. Have the quiz as the second slide. Force the user to take the quiz and don't allow them to advance until they have passed.

When you publish for LMS, track by slides viewed not the quiz and make sure you require they view all slides:

When you have it set up this way you wouldn't be able to get a completion until you passed the quiz.

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