Working collaboratively on a single Presenter project

Dec 03, 2011

This must be fairly common but I was wondering how teams worked collaboratively on the same Presenter project. I work with a small group of IDs and we frequently are working on the same project together. The projects usually contain multiple Engage interactions and Quizmaker quizzes. Presenter wants to have all the files on a local disk to publish so using a server doesn't seem to be an option. This is causing us to have multiple copies of the same files in various states of completion, sometimes with someone putting updates into in file that isn't the most current.

I was wondering what kind of workflow others were using to keep their sanity and project together. 


5 Replies
Brett Rockwood

Hi Phil,

Thanks for the response. I thought about using the package function but we aren't really working in a serial fashion where the project gets passed from one person to the next. It's much more of a parallel development where someone will want to make edits or updates to various slides, interactions or quizzes at various points while others are working on other sections.

Maybe a question for the Articulate team but, would it be possible to keep all of the files, PPT, PPTA, Engage, Quizmaker on a server while building out the content and then move the whole bit to a local drive whenever you want to publish. This would allow us to keep a single copy of everything that anyone on the team could modify. Is it just the publishing and previewing that requires the files be local? Or does the building of interactions and quizzes have to be local as well?

Thanks again.

Peter Anderson

Hey Brett,

When working on an Articulate Presenter presentation in a collaborative environment with other developers, I recommend that you use the following workflow. By working on the main project files on your local hard drive, you prevent any corruption or erratic behavior of the files that might have occurred by working on a network drive (ie: random backups). Also, this method ensures that all of your Engage interactions and Quizmaker quizzes stay properly linked together.: 

1. Use the Send to Articulate Presenter Package feature to make an exact copy of the project and the included Engage interactions and Quizmaker quizzes per the method in the article below: 

  • If the project files are already located on a network drive, proceed to Step 2.
  • If the project files are currently located on your local hard drive, skip to Step 6.
2. When you need to edit or publish the presentation, copy the ZIP file (the Articulate Presenter Package) from your network drive to your local hard drive.
3. Extract (unzip) the project files onto your local hard drive. 
4. Edit and / or publish the presentation as necessary.
5. Use the Send to Articulate Presenter Package feature (from Step 1) to make an exact copy of the updated project files.
6. Copy the resulting ZIP file to your network drive for storage and sharing.
7. Repeat Steps 2 through 6 whenever you need to edit or publish the presentation in the future.
Ranjana Verma

Hi Peter,

I have been following exactly the same procedure. However, I have run into one issue and I am hoping you can help me with that. The issue is with the Player Template.   Most of my modules are fine when I am ready to publish from my c: drive except one.  When I hit publish the module doesn't say that Player template is (In Project) and it doesn't say Logo (In Project) like other modules. I am not sure how and what is the procedure when a template gets saved with the project and how can I copy it back to the another module.

Very Confused :(-



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