Branching - correct/incorrect answer not working

Jun 28, 2011

QUizmaker Branching

Only the "correct answer" slide will be shown if one clicked the right answer in multiple choice question.

If one cklicks the wrong answer no "wrong answer" slide will be shown. Quizwindow is flashing once and doing


Please see images:

green arrow - link is working and branching to "correct" slide (slide 3)

red arrow - link not working and not branching to "wrong" slide (slide 4)

I have several quizzes in project and a lot having that issue. Not all.

If I create a new mutliple choice question behind and put testquestions in, it is working.

If I redo the same multiple choice question again, it is not working.

Any ideas?

I would appreciate it :o)

11 Replies
Brian Batt

Hi Lars and welcome to Heroes,

Are you branching to the same "wrong slide" when the user gets the answer wrong?  If so, can you change the feedback from By Answer to By Question & then update the incorrect branching for that question?

Also, make sure that you're testing your quiz when you publish instead of just in "Preview" mode.

Lars Pautsch

Dear Brian, thanks for your time.

I have both. I have branching to 2 different "wrong answer slides" if the user answers wrong and I have branching to the same "wrong answer slide" when the user answers wrong.

I published yesterday and checked again, if it persits in published version, too.

Unfortunately it does.

So, I tried your idea with the "branching to the same wrong slide" and "Feedback by Question".

It now shows the wrong and right feedback popup but it still does branch to the "correct answer slide" only.

It does not branch to the "wrong answer slide".

Do you have another idea, what I may configure or try?

(shall we exchange the file, so you may test on your pc?)

Thx Lars

Lars Pautsch

I found out that branching to another slide after the question is possible only with "1 Attempt" configured.

If one takes more than one branching is not working anymore and you will only get the "internal" question feedback popups.

So I can not make the user take a 2nd attempt on the original question after he clicks the wrong answer and was branched to the wrong slide and taken back to the "original question".

Sorry for the description..

If you have any other news on this, let me know.


Brian Batt

HC Borgelt said:

Hello All,

as I'm faced with the same problem described by Lars I was wondering if there is a fix available already?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


Hi HC and welcome to Heroes,

The issue is likely caused by how your branching is setup in Slide Properties.  Would you mind submitting a support case to us so that we can take a closer look into your issue?

Shane Wallis

Hi All,

Is there a way to branch a wrong answer in a knowledge check to a previous slide then allow the learner to go back to where they were in the knowledge check? Would this just be a matter of creating a variable for a visited state of that previous slide that would allow the learner to return to the question slide when clicking the next button? I welcome any and all ideas. 

