Quiz Results issue - Students answers not showing

Feb 05, 2021

After re-publishing quizzes to articulate 360 some of our students are having the issue that when the print their quiz results the student answer column comes up blank. Anyone know why this would be happening?

1 Reply
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Stefanie, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes. 😊

Thank you for reaching out and sharing what you are seeing when printing the results of your quiz.

If learners exit a course in the middle of a quiz, then resume the course and finish the quiz, their printed results will only show the questions they answered after resuming the quiz.

Similarly, if they relaunch the course after finishing it, their printed results won't show any questions since they already completed the quiz.

We designed the print results feature this way to significantly reduce the size of the course's suspend data since many learning management systems (LMSs) enforce strict limitations on suspend data.

The good news is that learners' quiz results will still be calculated properly and communicated to your LMS correctly, even if their printed results only show questions they answered after resuming the course.