Quiz results via e-mail - encoding question

Dec 21, 2011


I followed this  excellent tutorial  http://www.articulate.com/forums/articulate-quizmaker/8169-articulate-09-email-results-tutorial-php.html to get test results without LMS.

Everything works well except that  encoding in plain text that is sent to e-mail adress is very strange. I can not  convert it in anything readable when importing in Excel.

I use cyrillic (Russian). Is it possible to turn the output in  Cyrillic(Windows)? In which file (and where) encoding is set?

7 Replies
Peter Anderson

Hi Janus!

You may find that Cyrillic characters do not display as expected when using the Email Results feature. This solution hasn't been tested in Quizmaker '09, but you can try to correct it in the following manner:

1)  Navigate to the published quiz, and open the quiz.html with a text editor, such as Notepad.

2)  Replace ISO-8859-1 charset with windows-1251.

3)  Save your changes, and close the quiz.html file.

Curious to know if that works- please let us know your findings. Thanks!

Peter Anderson

Hey Janus!

After the <HEAD> tag, you can try inserting this:

"<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">"

And more on this is outlined in the third-party site here:


But again, please keep in mind, we haven't actually tested this in Quizmaker '09, but you may find it helpful.

Andrew Millard

Hi Justin,

Sorry I never replied to your response/question. We sort of dropped the issue after I posted, but it has cropped up again. We've had the same problem with multiple languages.

We use SumTotal LMS. Quiz data from Articulate in languages such as Russian or Vietnamese for example comes through to the LMS with the character encoding messed up. An example is attached from a Vietnam course:

Any help would be appreciated. I'm subscribed to responses and will answer inquiries. Thanks!

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