Quizmaker 360 and translation not working

Mar 24, 2020

I have a PowerPoint with a quiz made with Quizmaker 360 and am attempting to apply a translation a vendor did for us. We exported the .XLF file from quizmaker, had them translate the quiz, and applied the new .XLF to the quiz but the text is no different. We are ultimately publishing this PowerPoint with the quiz in it with Presenter 360. The .XLF is version 1.2 (attached) and has the French translation in it. I am following the instructions here, but it does not change the text: https://community.articulate.com/series/articulate-quizmaker-360/articles/articulate-quizmaker-360-user-guide-how-to-translate-content?_ga=2.178195682.616096669.1584988884-2045317496.1574272691&_gac=1.220463532.1582206570.EAIaIQobChMIhueY4aLg5wIViJyzCh06uQz2EAAYASAAEgIgnvD_BwE

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