Quizmaker e-mail problem

Aug 29, 2013

Quizmaker offers developers the ability to allow the students to e-mail their quiz results to a specific person.  Is it possible that a company whose security set up blocks pop ups could in effect block the e-mail function in Quizmaker? This would stop students who take a course from e-mailing their final quiz results to another company employee.

Has anyone run into this situation before?

Thank you

Randy Smith

1 Reply
Justin Grenier

Good Afternoon, Randy.

Tighter security restrictions in modern browsers, operating systems, anti-virus programs, and anti-spam programs, along with mail applications that do not allow JavaScript or HTML submits, can interfere with Quizmaker's reliance on client-side email programs.  This means that the email results feature often fails.

For this reason, Articulate recommends implementing a Learning Management System rather than relying on the email results feature.

In fact, since emailing results can no longer work easily, accurately, and consistently, we've decided not to include the email results feature in future versions of our products.

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