Quizmaker Multiple Response - both "incorrect"

Aug 16, 2011

Hi I am new to Articulate and am having an issue with a basic function of Articulate Quizmaker: I need to have a question in my quiz that has 2 responses and they are BOTH correct. I chose the multiple response question option, and checked off both boxes as "correct", and when I previewed it, they both came back as "incorrect" in my feedback boxes. Can I get some help with this?


5 Replies
Sarah Eshleman

Okay thanks guys. I did not realize that both had to be checked, and neither would the quiz taker I suspect. The rest of the questions are all true and false, and the last one HAS to look like them (i.e. not be fill in the blank), but be a "trick" question. So there is absolutely no way to have either/or correct?

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