Quizmaker results

Jun 15, 2013

We're operating an on-line questionnaire platform where any User can take any posted questionnaire.

When the User completes the questionnaire, we post the results to our database and email the formatted results to the User and other subscribers (who are looked up after the results are submitted).

We'd like to use Quizmaker - but the email results process will not work for us.

We'd need to pass the name of the User who took the questionnaire - Quizmaker appears not to support passing parameters.

Our question - once the questionnaire completes and control is passed back to our system:

1. where are the results?

2. Are the results accessible external to the Quizmaker (in a Presenter presentation) process - in a file that we can store in our database?

3. Will Quizmaker ever support an api call where we can directly store results.

You can see our current questionnaire process at http://eventscommunity.com/quote_main.php.


4 Replies
Mike G

Hi Leslie,

Presenter enables selection of LMS Scorm 1.2, Scorm 2004 or AICC.

That describes how the results will be formatted rather than where it goes.

We don't have an integrated Scorm engine - we just want the formatted results.

We can host published Presenter presentations.

We can include a Quiz in the presentation - when the User clicks submit, the presentation will attempt to send the results to the LMS - which can be considered us.  

You can see a hosted presenter presentation here - http://eventscommunity.com/player.php?id=NTVheHN1&type=presentation.

We want to intercept the Quizmaker results as soon as the submit button is clicked.

We assume a Quizmaker or Presenter file is posted to an LMS and a standardized api call is made to push the results.

We can receive that api call from Quizmaker if we know what it was - can you research and advise?

thanks, Mike

Mike G

Hi Mike,

Yes, this is along the lines of our interests.

The challenge of implementing a User suggested solution is when things don't work out as expected or if Articulate changes functionality that invalids this work-around - the business can face real difficulty.

It's important to capture the results of a questionnaire.

We want to build a business product around sending the results to subscribing customers.

Imagine their frustration if we're delivering a product that stops working because our non-supported approach suddenly stops working.

How does Quizmaker interface or interoperate with an LMS?  

I'd like to submit a feature request but the deliver timeline, assuming it was even accepted, would likely be late next year.

We're using http://www.surveygizmo.com/ but I'd prefer to use Quizmaker.

Your guidance is appreciated.

thanks, Mike

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