Ungraded Quiz

Sep 14, 2012


I want to include ungraded quizes or reviews in my Articulate course.  In Quizmaker, I see the Graded Quiz, but how do I insert a couple of quiz questions  to review learning up to a particular point in a course? Or perhaps, I don't want to grade the actual quiz, but do want to ask the questions at the end of  my course?

Thank you,


1 Reply
Jeanette Brooks

Hi Melissa - you can definitely insert a quiz as just a simple knowledge-check, and omit any scoring information. One way to do this is to use only Survey Questions in your Quizmaker file. (In Quizmaker, click "Survey Question" on the toolbar to see the question types available.) Another option is to just remove all scoring info from the quiz player, so that it doesn't feel so quizzy. Here's a quick look at how to do that. You can also disable or customize the result slide so that it doesn't feel to the learner like they are passing or failing a test. 

Does that help?

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