a basket full of questions!

Feb 23, 2018

Hi there Heroes!
where are you? need your help!
I got the wish of a customer, to develop a special quiz.
The user should get 20 of 30 randomly selected questions.
Okay, thats easy to do with a question bank .
But he wants, that the user can browse through the questions, that means he has not to solve one question after question. The user can choose the order which one he solves and submit. By clicking on submit the remaining questions counts down and his "question basket" is getting more and more empty. The user can solve the more easy questions first and spare the difficult ones for the end of the time he has for the quiz.
Does anybody has a hint how to make such a quiz in or is there maybe a allready a template around which i don't know?
Thanks for any help!

5 Replies
Susi B

Hi Oliver,

I think you could build this by hand, but you would need to use a lot of variables for this. If you are not familiar with variables please have a look here.

How I would build this:

1. Create a true/false variable set to false for each quiz slide (e.g. quiz_1, quiz_2, ...).

2. Create an overview slide on which all the quiz slides are linked to via a "go to"-trigger.

3. Create a number variable starting with 0 e.g. quiz_count, which is counting how many quizzes they have done already and insert it to the overview slide.

4. Insert a trigger on every quiz slide "change variable quiz_number to true if user clicks submit button".

5. Insert a trigger on every quiz slide "change variable quiz_count add +1 when user clicks submit button".

6. You should block the already answered questions with a trigger using the variable change of the true/false quiz variables, so the user can´t go there again or else your counting variable would count another +1 for each click on the submit button. And I think you would give them only 1 try right?

7. Create a trigger on a "show result" button (which appears after the quiz_count is equal to 20, maybe even on another layer which blocks the click on the baselayer) on the overview slide "go to next slide (result slide) when user clicks". You have to block any interaction with the remaining 10 quizzes!

8. The result slide should show now your results which you have to adjust with a -10 score because 100% would be 20 questions out of 30 I guess.

This is only theoretical, I didn´t test this so you maybe have to adjust or even add additional triggers. And be aware that the trigger order is important, it is performing the triggers from top to buttom.

Hope this helps a little. :)


Susi B

Hey Oliver,

I never worked with reviewing questions, but I think this could be a problem, if it shows all 30 slides. Maybe you could trigger this too with variables so when the user clicks on the review button the slides which have the variable "quiz_number = true" are shown and the one with "false" are skipped. But I think this needs a lot of triggers and tests if it´s really working and a linear way of going through the quiz. When a user can navigate via the menu it could destroy everything.

If you only want to show the user which question he had wrong then you could create another overview slide with the questions and an indicator which of those questions he has answered (even correct/incorrect). You could even use this overview to let the user review a specific slide by clicking on the questions, but then he has to have the option to go back to that overview slide and choose another one AND block any interaction with this questions so the variable triggers are not changes (this means the submit button which changes variables shouldn´t be shown).

It´s a bit hard to explain. Maybe you can share an early version of your work later when you have for excample 5 questions build and the user has to choose 3 of them and build a review variation yourself. Then I (and the community) could see what you want to do and how it´s working. :)


Phil Mayor

I think you will have a problem with the randomisation. You can use a question bank to get 20/30. I like Susi's answer not sure this will work with question banks.

I am sure you can do most things and Susi's answer would work, the review should work fine this way, the randomisation is going to be a problem and will break most things (I suppose you can count how many questions have been answered but I am not sure it will navigate correctly)

If you only want to show incorrect answers though you would not use review but would actually step through each question and submit the correct ones stopping only on the incorrect one.

I have done some similar things in the past and there are HTML issues for not using submit and also the user answering only 5 questions and jumping to results may give 100%.

I am sure it is achievable but it is an reasonable amount of work to get there along with the added bonus that the question banks will confuse this.


Oliver Eisele

in the past we allready had a solution - which only worked in SL2.
In SL3/360 it doesn't work anymore, because the Triggers processing is different.
All Questions in a bank - becauae of the randomized selection.

here is a example with only 5 of 9 questions.
You can view it here:
(sorry Phil, its in German )

and I attached the story file.


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