Accessibility Tabbing - Inconsistent

Mar 30, 2018

I am developing a course where are a large percentage of the audience will require an accessible version. The tabbing functionality is working on some slides and not on others. This is an issue for both the player and on-screen objects. I've tried recreating the slides and playing with tab orders but as there is no way to control the player tabbing functionality I'm at a loss as how to get this working correctly.  I've also tested with both Flash and HTML 5 outputs and with different browsers on both Mac and Windows.

1 Reply
Jeff Forrer

Can you post a file?  What can't you control?  Keep in mind:

  1. Create a custom tab order using the Tab Order button.
  2. Some items you may want to remove from the tab order in the Tab Order box.
  3. In order to handle some tabbing of items in the slide master, you need to manage those within the slide master slides themselves.  You cannot remove them from the tab order in a slide, you need to adjust those items on the slide master where they were placed using the right-click context menu and selecting Accessibility to toggle those on or off from the order.
  4. Some items you do not have control over such as the hidden tab before the player bar and the player buttons.
  5. You cannot turn off or change color of the yellow boxes around items in the tab order.
  6. Keep in mind items in layers and the order of those in relation to the items on the main timeline.

In regard to buttons states, there is a long post about the status of handling Alts for buttons here:


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