Button Logic (or State Order)

Oct 10, 2012

Trying to work something out in my head with button's and sounds.

What's the order of importance or criteria when moving along in button states?

1) Normal

2) Press = Down

3) Selected

Say you have a button with just these 3 states, it's always going to be that order of state change after a button press? ... 1. Normal, *click of a mouse*, 2. Down, 3. Selected

When does visited come into the picture?

Help me. This WILL keep me up tonight


8 Replies
Ryan Martin

A follow-up question...

David Fair, Articulate Customer Support Engineer, did an excellent screenr on "How to add a sound effect to a button click"


Said screenr: https://player.vimeo.com/video/145576587


Now, as David points out, there's a bit of a work around needed when buttons are using the same sound. You have to import the "click sound" for each button using it.


BUT, what if you're attaching your sound to the "Down" state. You're going to use the Trigger: Other Events, State. Then choose "Any of" "Is:" "Down" ...


... or "Selected"


If you're as confused as I am by explanation ... here's a picture:



I'm obviously playing 1 media with 3 buttons here. Should this technique be avoided, should it fall within David Fair's Screenr rule?


If you know the answer, please share, and help me sleep at night.

David Anderson

Ryan Martin said:

Trying to work something out in my head with button's and sounds.

When does visited come into the picture?

Hey Ryan - I dont think I entirely follow your question.

A "click" doesn't register until the mouse button is released. Here's an example where I use both your "Play media when any of states are down" and a trigger for each button that plays sound 2 when clicked. Using two different sound effects, you can hear the the difference between "on click" and "state is down".

Demo with 2 different button sounds using "down" and "click" triggers

But I still don't know if that's what you're asking about.

Ryan Martin

That's exactly what I was trying to wrap my head around, but my problem was  "what IS the 'release' state" - User clicks IS it. Your example solves part one of my question. Booyah!

My second part concerns David Fair's Screenr - @ 1:58 of it.

In your example, it doesn't look like you're importing the same sound multiple times. Fair is saying that multiple actions (triggers) tied to that one sound file "might lead to unexpected results".

Is Fair's concern a known Storyline issue, and more importantly, an issue for your example (which I plan to blatantly steal of course)?

Cheers David! Thanks! Cartoon-squeak-pop puts a smile on my face.

Ryan Martin

I think I figured out David Fair's reasoning behind the multiple imports...

David Anderson's example will only get you so far, until you add a "Jump to Slide X" or "Show Layer Z" to each button. If buttons have  "navigation" triggers after Play Media ... the Play media won't fire ... it'll jump to the slide or layer too quickly.

Fair's advice: Have the navigation triggers ("Jump to Slide" or "Show Layer") after media completes ... but here's the problem, IF you have 3 buttons, you CAN'T have them all jump to different places when their SHARED media completes. So. You import that media 3 times, with 3 different names, so 3 three different buttons can go to 3 different places when their individual media completes.

It's all coming together now! Bwahahaha... bed time.

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