Calculating in Storyline 2

Oct 18, 2016

Hoping for some help :-)

I want to create a slide that shows students how much loans from different providers will cost them over different periods of time, with the student putting in the amount of the loan. I understand that the calculations need to be done individually and in order but I just can't work it out.

I like the idea of the slider to move the time rather than a grid

My initial thoughts were to create a variable that took the input number and multiplied it by the loan rate (eg .12 for 12%), then add the original amount on to that variable, then multiply by the number of months. 

I'm really stuck - I know exactly what I want but can't seem to work it out! Can you create a new variable using a calculation?


BankRate=StudentInput*.12 (gives the % increase)

Bank1=BankRate+StudentInpout (cost over 1 month)

Bank6=Bank1*6 (cost over 6 months)

Bank12=Bank1*12 (cost over 12 months)


3 Replies
Walt Hamilton

Here is a sample that does the calculation. I took the liberty of changing the math to reflect 12%/yr interest, but you can change the numbers however you want.

The key is that each trigger can do only one calculation, so you have to build it in steps.

To me it seemed easiest to calculate everything, and show only the one indicated by the slider. If you calculate each time the slider moves, it triples your work load.

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