Change Image State On Exit of Another Slide (Storyline 360)

Feb 03, 2023

Couldn't find anything in the discussions.

I have a menu page with several images, they should change colour when a user goes to the specific slide triggered by clicking the image. However this menu page may not always need the user to go back to it and they can get to any slide by the side menu bar. 

Is there a way to change the state of these images by a user seeing a slide but not necessarily by clicking the image on the 1st menu page. Couldn't work out how to do it. Thank you in advance! 

4 Replies
Judy Nollet

You can use T/F variables to track what slides the user has visited, and use that info to adjust the images on your menu page.

  • You'll need a variable for each slide (or topic) in the menu.
  • Have the default value be False.
  • Change the appropriate variable to True when the timeline starts on the associated slide they need to view.
  • For each image on the menu page, use a trigger that changes the image's state to the alternate color when the timeline starts--with the condition that the associated variable is True. 

Here's more info about conditions and variables: 

Walt Hamilton

If a variable on a slides changes when the slide opens, the slide can show as finished in the menu page, even if they leave it immediately. I prefer to change the variable when the learner finishes the slide and clicks whatever moves them on (except the side bar menu). More chance of them actually interacting with the material.

Judy Nollet

Excellent point from Walt (as usual). Yes, if the user needs to interact with the slide, be sure they complete that interaction before you set the associated variable to True.

However, if it's possible for them to leave the slide "early" (e.g., before the timeline finishes and/or before they finish an interaction), then I'd change the variable when the timeline starts. Otherwise, they might think they're done with the slide, but the program won't indicate that.