Completion trigger not reading

Dec 08, 2020

Hello everyone!

So, a bit of a tricky one, as I am not sure how to come to the core of the issue - any tricks on analysis, testing, or similar are welcome. I am working on a pretty complex course that I hope to complete soon. The issue comes with publishing and our LMS. First, our LMS is not SCORM compatible, and we have the Test as a separate section there. Therefore we have to trigger the transfer from the course (HTML) section to the Stage Check. Until recently, a line of JS worked fine. Then it stopped due to some browser updates and now we need to separate the triggers - first, complete the course then transfer. I made a few small files that worked fine there, but when I set the same parameters for publishing and tracking/reporting for the course that I am working on, it did not read the completion trigger. 

So, I have the confirmation that the completion (Complete course) trigger works fine on the LMS, but with the mentioned course, it simply does not. Could it be up to the size? complexity? place fo the trigger? Did anyone have any similar case? 

(Help!) Thanks in advance :D 

3 Replies
Lauren Connelly

Hi Magdelena!

We're happy to help! My first thought is the placement of the trigger. The complete course trigger should appear at the top of the trigger panel. Another thought, the course is tracked using another method that you've selected when publishing the course.

Either way, it would be helpful to see what you've created so far. Do you mind uploading the .story file? Here's a secure upload link. We'll let you know when we receive the file and reply after reviewing it. 

Magdalena Radjenovic

Hello Lauren,

I just submitted the file. Yes, I tried putting it on the separate slide to be on the top and just connected to the timeline start and it did not work. I guess it got confused somewhere because the course has a ton of layers and triggers. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for my file and also let me know if you need any additional info.

Thank you.