Course resume just false questions

Jan 20, 2021

My course is done when you reach 80%. Then you have to click save and ending in our Software (where the SCORM is implemented). When I come back to the course because i only reached 70% and klick "resume where i left of" i cant answer only the questions i answered wrong before. is this possible? Or is it possible to resume and try the whole quiz again?

1 Reply
Katie Riggio

Happy first post, Tanja!

It sounds like you're looking for a way to resume the course and restart the quiz if you didn't get 80%.

Currently, there isn't a way to do this in Storyline. We generally see this as a function of an LMS, and relaunching a course will always resume where learners left off.

However, one idea is to set the course as completed when a learner reaches or views 80% of the content:

Let us know if you have any more questions. We're happy to help!