Creating a custom seek-bar for html5 storyline projects

Sep 22, 2013

Can we create  a custom Seek-bar for our storyline projects, for HTML5/ I pad usage?

or is there any other way we can trigger a button to advance or  go back 30 seconds in the timeline using javascript

The player seek-bar does not function correctly when we test our projects on HTML5.

I shall be thankful for providing a workable solution to the above problem.


Aman Vohra

1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Aman and welcome to Heroes! 

What about the seekbar is not functioning as expected in your HTML5 output? You'll see in this comparison chart that the seekbar should work within the HTML5 view - and within the Mobile player, with the exception of the rewind button. If you're not able to use your seekbar within the HTML5 output, are you able to share your .story file with us so that we can test it? If you'd prefer to not post it in the forums you can also share it with our team here. 

 I haven't seen a customized seekbar, although I've seen a few requests for it. There are some examples here about progress bars, but they wouldn't function the same as the seekbar.

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