Custom State Clicked not working

Oct 22, 2021

Hi all,

this question has been asked a lot before, but after some research, I still cannot fix the problem.

I created an under water world with different slides the user is navigated to (attached). When the user clicks the octopus, the shells and/or the treasure chest, the user is navigated to another slide and the items should change their state to a custom state called "clicked". When the user comes back to the main page, the state "clicked" should still be displayed until all 3 items are visited.

I also tried to change the settings when revisiting to reset to saved state. It is not working and I am completely stumped.

Can someone help me with the issue?

2 Replies
Judy Nollet

Hi, Tanja,

For each of your custom "buttons," the trigger to change its state comes after the trigger that jumps to another slide. A trigger can only run while the program is on the slide where the trigger exists. So move those "change state" triggers so they appear before (above) the "jump to" triggers. 

By the way, you can delete all of the "change state to Hover" triggers. Hover is a built-in state, so it will work automatically without any triggers. 

P.S. Here's more info about controlling items on a custom menu slide: