customised button to access glossary

Feb 03, 2014

I am trying to use a corporate style guide. I would like to be able to use a customised button to access the glossary. Is this possible.

Is it also possible to access the glossary by clicking on a word and bringing up the glossary definition for that word?

4 Replies
Graham Betts

Thank you for your responses to both Dennis and Rebecca. I really appreciate both suggestions.

I have built a Glossary slide with each term on a separate layer so that as a term is clicked that layer is shown along with the definition. I would now like to be able to highlight the word as the definition is displayed. I would also like to be able to be able to direct the learner straight to that highlighted word in the glossary from anywhere in the course. Any ideas?

 If you look at the image below the term that I have clicked on, perigee, is not highlighted.

Dennis Hall

Hi Graham:

Although there are many ways to approach what you want, one method is to have each word (to the left) as individual text boxes, select them all, and create a button set with them all. By doing this, each of them will automatically adopt States and when you click one, the others will revert to a normal state. This takes just seconds to do.

See the attached story file to see a very easy 5 step way to do this.

Best Regards,

Dennis Hall

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