Drag and Drop Issues

May 12, 2022

Hello everyone! I have a Drag and Drop that's facing some issues, and can't seem to resolve using former webinars, articles, or discussion posts. In the attached, the objects are successfully showing the "Try Again" layer when dropped on incorrect targets, but aren't snapping back to their original positions. Also, when the final item within the activity is dropped on its correct target, the the "Correct" feedback layer isn't presented; instead, it skips directly to showing the "Complete" layer (presumably because showing that layer is predicated on the "Hidden" state of the objects, once all have been successfully dropped on their targets). Can anyone help me resolve these issues?

3 Replies
Ginger Swart

Hi Stephanie!

I like your activity! Here's some suggestions to get the functionality you're looking for with it.

For the objects not moving back, the Try Again layer is happening too quickly for the reset of the objects. To force the objects back, assign a zero pixel motion path to all of them, and a trigger on the Try Again layer to move them on their motion path once the timeline starts on the layer. 

An alternative option to using the Try Again layer is you could use the drop incorrect state to add a visual indicator to the objects to show the user that that object was not moved correctly. 

For the Complete layer showing up too soon, you could move the trigger for the Complete layer off of the base layer and onto the Correct layer with a trigger on the Continue button to show the Complete layer when all the objects are hidden. 

Hope that helps but if not or if you have any questions, just let us know!