Drag and Drop With Advanced Feedback

Apr 12, 2013

Hello Articulators!

I'm trying to recreate the drag and drop functionality from this demo posted by David Anderson found here: (11th post in the conversation): http://community.articulate.com/forums/p/14544/153512.aspx#153512 . 

The idea is that when the user clicks submit all items that are in the correct positions change to state "correct" and are set into their boxes while only incorrect answers reset.

The first variable is resetting correctly but once I copied it out and updated the triggers the remaining seven are not working.  I've doubled checked everything but am at a loss as to why I can't get the copied triggers to behave.  If any articulate whizzes out there could take a look at this I'd greatly appreciate it. 

Thanks so much, I'm at a loss here.  (file attached)

5 Replies
Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Ben,

I just took a quick look at your file. You'd said that the first variable is resetting correctly, and it looks like this is V1, so: Set v1 equal to true when the user clicks if TR Total revenue's state is equal to drop correct.

Then you say you copied/pasted these triggers and the rest aren't working correctly.

So I took a quick peek at the states, and it looks like you forgot to create the Drop Correct state for the other items? At least I think that's what's going on. See attached images: when I click on Total Revenue in the slide, I see a Drop Correct state. But when I click on the others, e.g., Cost of Sales, I don't see that state.

Ben Fixsin

THANK YOU Rebecca!  You are absolutely correct.  As a beginner it can be so difficult to troubleshoot these things for yourself but when someone points out what's wrong it seems so obvious!

I must have spent 3 hours trying to get this to work and now in 5 minutes it's all fixed.  Thank you!

I swear I don't usually use this many exclamation marks. 

Thank you so very much,


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