Embedding PDF into Storyline - issues

Jan 19, 2015

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone can help - I have tried all sorts of ways to add a pdf into my project without adding it into the resources menu. I want a user to click a screenshot and have it display in a Lighbox... seems easy enough, but I have tried hyperlinking - storing the file locally and on server, as a web object locally or on a web server, adding index.html file as described here http://pdfobject.com/instructions.php, reading losts of posts. The problem is, it seems to work half way - once the project is published - I get a white screen instead of the PDF displayed, if I use the PDFObject option - it says " I don't have Adobe Reader or PDF support in this web browser. Click here to download the PDF" when I click to download then it works and displays the PDF - I do have PDF viewer on this browser though.. Please help...

11 Replies
Marina Grinberg

Hi Wendy,

Thanks for the quick response! Yes that is precisely what I am looking to do,unfortunately I can't open SL2 on my machine as the trial ranout, I will have to look at your project when I get home. Can you please click on this link  - test proj
and see if the PDF opens for you? I have attached the test project as well.

Wendy Farmer

Hi Mazz

no it doesn't open the PDF for me.  I see it is on Google drive - there has been some posts recently about this with others have issues viewing content.  I found this link from a previous thread that might help you with a workaround.


I'll check out your .story file now

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