Embedding uPerform in Articulate - tracking

Feb 11, 2015

Hi, I have just started to use Articulate and have been embedding our uPerform simulations as web objects.  (At the moment, the simulations start in a separate tab but I'm looking to see what other viewing options I have there.)

Is it possible to track whether or not the user has run the simulation so that they can't move onto the next slide until they have completed it?  I had a look at Conditions but I don't know enough about them and got into rather a muddle the last time I tried to create some.


4 Replies
Emily Ruby

Hi Jennifer!

When you insert a web object, you can select whether the item appears in the same tab or in a new window. This pops up in the properties when you insert them. Unfortunately web objects are not considered a media, so in order to get the slide to not advance until they complete, you could extend the timeline to the length of the web object and have the next button disabled until the timeline ends.



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