Final Assessments - Read Full Course First

Aug 24, 2018

Hi Everyone,

In my course in Articulate, I created an agenda page at the beginning of the course to allow you to jump to certain sections of the course. One of them is the final assessment. I want to be able to create a trigger that won't allow you to take the final assessment until you have read all previous parts of the course. Any idea how I can make that happen and still keep the "jump to's" in the agenda?


1 Reply
Simon Blair

Hi Joshua,

You can definitely do that. Here's how I'd do it:

  1. Create variables to track the status of each section (default them to false)
  2. Use a trigger to set the variable to true when the section has been read (probably at the end of each section)
  3. Change the trigger on the jump to final so that it only jumps if all the variables from step 1 are true (meaning all the sections have been visited)
  4. Bonus (recommended): add objects to the agenda page to show the completion status of the sections (change the state using the variables from step 1)
  5. Bonus (recommended): add an object to the agenda page to show that the final is locked (maybe a lock image), use triggers to hide it when all the sections have been read


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