Fonts NOT supported in Storyline 360?

Aug 27, 2019

I have to assume that there might be some obvious fonts that SL 360 does not support.  I'd like to obtain a list of those fonts.  Thank you ---

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Terra, 

I'll leave it to the community to share what fonts haven't worked for them, or they've run into issues with. I do know that Adobe Type 1 PostScript fonts aren't supported in Storyline 360 HTML5 output.

Also, these fonts get installed on your computer when you install Articulate Storyline 360 or Articulate Studio 360.

- Articulate
- Dosis
- Fjalla One
- Glegoo
- Lato
- Lobster Two
- Martel
- Montserrat
- Montserrat Medium
- Open Sans
- Orbitron
- Oswald
- Prata
- Raleway
- Roboto
- Roboto Slab
- Signika
- Source Sans Pro
- Titillium Web
- Ubuntu
- Yanone Kaffeesatz

Hope that helps! 

Terra C

Thank you.  Yes, I have noted the fonts.  We were creating a new SL template that would include new company branding --- to include the fonts, if possible.  The fonts are not aligning, spilling off of the screen or are outside of boxes etc.  I had wondered if the font was just not compatible ---

And then I was wondering if SL does not support certain fonts.  Thanks --- Terra

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