3 Replies
Katie Riggio

Greetings and great question, Rian!

Sequence Drag-and-Drop questions are form-based, which makes them quick and easy to assemble.

A few of its elements are predetermined, but you can change its colors in Theme Colors. Here's how:

  1. Head over to the Design tab.
  2. Click the Colors dropdown.
  3. Select Create New Theme Colors.
  4. Select your color preferences by following the theme color guide and give your new theme colors a name.
  5. Click Save.

⭐️Try the freeform options to unlock more control over the design. To explore each of Storyline's freeform question types, check out this guide!

⭐️Check out this community approach on how to recreate a Sequence Drag-and-Drop question to a freeform one.
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Dimitris,

Thank you for sharing what you are experiencing in your project file.

I'd like you to share your .story project file with our support engineers to investigate what's happening with your permission. You can share it privately by uploading it here. It will be deleted when troubleshooting is complete.