Free Form Drag and Drop: Make Text and Image one Thing

Feb 13, 2018

I'm creating a drag and drop interaction and would like to insert several illustrations and label them with text.  If that object is what I would like to have the user drag to a box on the other side of the screen, is there a way to make the image and the text box one, so when dragged they go together? 

I hope this makes sense!

2 Replies
Walt Hamilton

Safest, surest, fastest method is to put the text on the illustration in a graphics editor, and import it all as one graphic.

If that doesn't work, make one graphic of the illustration alone, and add a state to it of a graphic with the text on it.

There are lots of ways to drag two objects as one, and what they all have in common is that it is very difficult to get it to work poorly, and nearly impossible to get it to work well.

Plan C, and way inferior to the one graphic scheme it to add the text in a custom-built state.

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