Gamification and creating a large variety of result scores in Storyline.

Dec 01, 2021

Hi everyone,
I'm quite new to storyline and my client has asked for a quiz which will be a range of multi-choice and multi response questions. Basically whoever gets the most points/highest percentage will win a prize, so we will need to have a lot of variety of point scoring for each answer so everyone doesn't get the same score at the end of the quiz. I know these are built-in for multiple choice in storyline but for multiple answer, the points can only be allocated if they are right or wrong. Is there a way I can game the multi-answer questions (I'm assuming it can be done by variables maybe)? Having said that though we had an issue with a course that used variables for scoring on the results slide and unfortunately, our LMS recorded it as 0.
Not sure if there are any other options or solutions anyone has?

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